
Art Music
HSU Sung-Jen

徐頌仁(1941-2013),指揮家、鋼琴家、作曲家。出生於花蓮港廳鳳林街(今花蓮縣鳳林鎮)。父親徐復增牧師(1910-1984)為桃園龍潭客家人,徐頌仁幼時常隨父母在教堂,並自學彈琴。新竹中學畢業後,1962年重考入國立臺灣大學哲學系。跟隨許常惠等學習,並參與製樂小集演出。1968年赴西德求學,先至雷根斯堡,後轉至科隆國立音樂院,學習指揮、鋼琴、作曲。畢業後,於多特蒙及卡斯魯歌劇院工作。1976年回國,擔任臺北市立交響樂團指揮。1983年專任於國立藝術學院(今國立臺北藝術大學)至2013年退休。徐頌仁在創作方面,擅長結合西洋古典音樂與客庄曲調,展現出對鄉土與民族的關懷,代表作有《鋼琴協奏曲「落大雨」主題變奏》及《鋼琴三重奏 — 民謠》等。2012年曾入圍第二十三屆金曲獎傳統與藝術類最佳作曲人獎。

HSU, Sung-Jen (1941-2013) was a conductor, pianist and composer who was born in Hualien, Taiwan, of Hakka heritage. His father Hsu Fu-Tseng (1910-1984), was a church pastor. As a child, Hsu often spent time at the church with his parents and taught himself to play piano. After graduating from Hsinchu Middle School, he was admitted to the Physics department of National Taiwan Normal University. In his junior year in university, he retook the entrance exam and transferred to the Philosophy department at the National Taiwan University. Hsu studied with Hsu Tsang-Houei and participated in a performance of "The Little Music Society". After graduating, he taught briefly at a secondary school. In 1968, he went to Germany to study, first at Regensburg, and then to the Cologne University of Music (Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln), and studied conducting, piano and composition. After graduation, he worked at opera houses in Dortmund and Karlsruhe. Upon returning to Taiwan, Hsu taught at Soochow University, National Taipei University of the Arts and served as conductor of the Taipei Symphony Orchestra. In 1983, Hsu began teaching piano and conducted an orchestra at the National Institute of the Arts (the present-day Taipei National University of the Arts) until his retirement. Hsu’s compositions combine Western classical music with Hakka-style tunes, demonstrating his interest in local and national styles. Hsu’s key works include Concerto for Piano and Orchetra -Variations on a Theme, ‘Pounding Rain’ and Folk Songs for piano trio. In 2012, Hsu was nominated in the Best Composers category in the Golden Melody Awards for Traditional and Arts Music.
