
Art Music

鄭立彬(1972-),指揮家、藝術行政及音樂教育工作者、2座傳藝金曲獎得主。自幼學習小提琴及鋼琴,亦研習笙與二胡等傳統樂器。1997年以小提琴主修畢業於國立藝術學院,2002年以指揮主修畢業於國立臺北藝術大學音樂研究所碩士班。指揮先後受教於亨利.梅哲﹙Henry Mazer﹚、徐頌仁、陳秋盛、以及羅林.馬捷爾﹙Lorin Maazel﹚(大師班)。自2003年擔任臺北市立交響樂團助理指揮開始,展開指揮職業生涯,原為西樂背景出身,2006年起跨足國樂領域,多次受邀指揮國內外的中西職業樂團。2015-2021年借調擔任臺北市立國樂團團長,在任期間大量委託及指揮臺灣作曲家新作,積極打造「臺北之聲」,2018年並指揮北市國於美國卡內基音樂廳演出,使北市國成為第一個登上該音樂廳演出的臺灣樂團。現為中國文化大學中國音樂學系專任教授,也是臺灣中生代極為活躍的指揮家之一。

Master ZHENG Li-Bin (1972-), conductor, art administrator, and music educator, winner of 2 Golden Melody Awards, learned the violin, the piano, and traditional musical instruments, e.g. the sheng and the erhu, since a little child. In 1997, he graduated from National Academy of Arts with a major in violin and graduated from Taipei National University of the Arts with a master's degree majoring in conducting in 2002. He has ever been instructed by Master Henry Mazer, XU Song-Ren, CHEN Qiu-Sheng, and Lorin Maazel (Master Class) skills of conducting. Since 2003, he started his conducting career as the assistant conductor of Taipei Symphony Orchestra. With an original background of western music and specializing in Chinese music since 2006, Master ZHENG gained a cross-domain expertise in conducting Chinese and western professional orchestras in Taiwan as well as in foreign countries many times. From 2015 to 2021, he assumed the head of Taipei Chinese Orchestra. During his tenure, he commissioned and conducted a large number of new works of Taiwanese composers, eagerly solidifying the ideal of "Sound of Taipei." In 2018, he conducted Taipei Chinese Orchestra and performed at Carnegie Hall in the United States, marking the first Taiwanese orchestra performed in the concert hall. He is currently a full-time professor at Department of Chinese Musicology at Chinese Culture University and one of the most active mesozoic conductors in Taiwan.
