
Art Music
LY, Joseph

李振邦(1923-1984),音樂學者、作曲家、音樂教育家。出生於河北沙河縣。自幼即立志獻身天主,1951年於羅馬晋鐸後,於哲學與音樂領域受到嚴格的學術訓練,分別於1955年獲宗座聖樂學院碩士學位,隔年再獲「大師」學位;1959年,獲羅馬聖多瑪斯大學哲學博士學位,1965年取得米蘭盎博音樂學院作曲碩士學位。 1968年,李神父獲邀至臺,擔任臺灣地區主教團秘書處禮儀委員會聖樂組召集人,其論著如《新禮彌撒合唱曲集》與《中國語文的音樂處理》等,影響深遠,作品如〈天主經〉、〈聖母經〉,為華人天主教徒所熟知的歌曲。他擔任過國立臺灣藝術專科學校音樂科主任,1983年受輔仁大學校長羅光總主教指示,成為音樂學系創系系主任,忙碌於教學、行政與自身的寫作,1984年因心肌梗塞病倒於寓所辦公桌上。

LY, Joseph (1923-1984)was a music scholar, composer, and music educator. He was born in Shahe County, Hebei Province. At an early age he decided to dedicate his life to God, and, after being ordained to the priesthood in 1951, he received rigorous training in philosophy and music. In 1955 he earned a master’s degree in religious music from the Pontificium Institutum Musicae Sacrae, and the following year he received a Maestro degree; in 1959, he earned a doctorate degree in philosophy from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, and in 1965 earned a master’s degree in composition from the Ambrosian Institute of Sacred Music in Milan. In 1968, Father Ly was invited to Taiwan to serve as the head of the Commission for Sacred Liturgy, Section for Sacred Music of the Chinese Regional Bishops’ Conference. His works such as A Collection of New Liturgical Choral Pieces for Mass and The Musical Treatment of Chinese Language were profoundly influential, and his musical compositions such as “Our Father” and “Ave Maria” are well-known songs among Chinese Catholics. He served as the Chairman of Music at the National Taiwan Academy of Arts, and in 1983, under the direction of President Archbishop Stanislaus Lo Kuang of Fu Jen University, became the founding Chairman of its Music Department. Busied with education, administration, and his own writing endeavors, he collapsed at his desk at home due to a myocardial infarction in 1984.
