
Art Music
KUO Chih-Yuan

郭芝苑(1921-2013),作曲家、口琴演奏家。出生於新竹州苗栗郡苑裡庄。就讀臺南長老教中學(今長榮中學)一年間,參與口琴社團,引發了對西方音樂的興趣,後赴日本入東洋音樂學校及日本大學藝術學部作曲科求學。1946年回臺後,曾任省立新竹師範學校教職、玉峰影業公司音樂專員。他所創作的《交響變奏曲 — 以土風為主題》是第一首臺灣人創作、並在國內首演的交響曲。1966年再度赴國立東京藝術大學深造三年。1973年專職於省立交響樂團(今國立臺灣交響樂團)研究部,至退休。曾獲國家文藝獎(二次)、吳三連文藝獎、行政院文化獎、總統二等景星勳章等,並獲私立靜宜大學頒贈榮譽博士。代表作有臺語藝術歌曲《紅薔薇》(1971)、《小協奏曲—為鋼琴與絃樂隊》(1987)、交響組曲《天人師—釋迦傳》(1988)等。

KUO, Chih-Yuan (1921-2013) was a composer and harmonicist born in Miaoli, Taiwan. While attending the Tainan Presbyterian Middle School (now Chan-Jung Senior High School), he was part of the harmonica student club for a year, which sparked an interest in Western music. He went to Japan to study at the Toyo Music School and at the Department of Music at the University of Japan. After returning to Taiwan in 1946, he taught at the Hsinchu Teachers’ College and worked as a music specialist at the Yufeng Film Company. His composition, Symphonic Variations – on a folkloristic Theme, was the first symphonic work composed and premiered in Taiwan by a Taiwanese composer. Between 1966-1969, Kuo studied music at the National University of Tokyo. In 1973, he worked exclusively in the research department of the Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (now the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra) until his retirement. Kuo was awarded the National Cultural and Arts Award twice, as well as the Wu Sanlian Literary Award and the Executive Academy Culture Award. He also received the Order of Brilliant Star with Grand Cordon, which was presented by the President of Taiwan and received an honorary doctorate degree from Jing Yi University. Kuo’s key works include the Taiwanese art song, Red Rose (1971), Concertino for Piano and Strings (1987), and the orchestral suite, Tianrenshi-Shijia Chuan, Śāstā Devamanusyānām (1988).
