
Traditional Music
LIN Yu-Ting

林昱廷(1951生),二胡演奏家、作曲家、指揮家。出生於臺北市。淡江大學建築系、臺大EMBA畢業。12歲學習南胡,日後逐漸進入作曲、指揮的領域。長期任教於國立臺灣藝術大學,曾任該校國樂系主任、總務長、教務長等職務,目前受聘為臺藝大榮譽教授。 林昱廷成功跨足國樂作曲、指揮、演奏、教學、研究與藝術行政等領域,作品《歡樂中國節》、《喜慶》、《彩絮飛揚》獲指定為臺灣區音樂比賽曲目。曾獲唱片類金鼎獎、國科會甲種學術研究獎勵;獲頒教育部優秀教育人員、臺北縣教育會優良教師、臺藝大教學卓越績優教師等榮銜。早年參與創設國立藝專實驗國樂團(今臺灣國樂團),曾擔任國家國樂團團長、中華民國國樂學會理事長,是臺灣國樂領域發展的重要推手。

LIN Yu-Ting (born 1951), is an erhu player, composer, and conductor. Born in Taipei. Graduated from the Architecture Program of the Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences (now Tamkang University) and the Executive Masters of Business Administration (EMBA) from National Taiwan University. At the age of 12, he studied nanhu and gradually entered the field of composition and conducting. He had taught at the National Taiwan University of Arts for many years. He had served as the Chair of the Department of Chinese Music, President of General Affairs, President of Academic Affairs, and others in the university. He is currently employed as an honorary professor at National Taiwan University of Arts. Lin successfully crossed the fields of Chinese music composition, conducting, performance, teaching, research and art administration. His works Joyful Chinese New Year, Celebration, The Rainbow Sleeves were selected as compulsory works for the National Student Competition of Music in Taiwan. He has won the Golden Tripod Awards in the category of Best Recording, and the Class A Academic Research Award from the National Science Council (now Ministry of Science and Technology). He was awarded the honorary titles of Outstanding Educator by the Ministry of Education, Outstanding Educator by the Taipei County Education Association, and Outstanding Educator by the National Taiwan University of Arts. In his early years, he participated in the creation of the National Taiwan Academy of Arts Experimental Chinese Orchestra (now the National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan). He served as the Director of the National Chinese Orchestra and the Chairman of the Chinese Music Association, Taiwan, R.O.C. Lin is recognized as a master in championing Chinese music.
