

Art Music
Research Education

張己任(1945生),指揮家。出生於廣東省平遠縣。1952年隨家人到臺。9歲開始學鋼琴,15歲於臺灣省鋼琴比賽中獲獎。1973年以特優成績畢業於美國紐約曼尼斯音樂學院,同年獲紐約市立歌劇院總監魯德爾之指揮獎。1978年獲全額獎學金赴紐約市立大學博士班,專攻音樂學和音樂理論。1981年轉入哥倫比亞大學,1983年以《齊爾品對現代中國音樂的影響》獲博士學位。回臺後,於1990-1998年曾任東吳大學音樂學系系主任;張已任1981年曾於紐約寓所舉辦江文也音樂會,1992年任《江文也的音樂手稿集》、《江文也的文字作品集》及《江文也紀念研討會論文集》之總編輯,對於江文也之發現,貢獻良多。代表著作有《西洋音樂風格的演變 — 中古至文藝復興》、《江文也傳》、《音樂之美》等。2018年,獲中華民國107年榮譽文藝獎章音樂類。

CHANG Chi-Jen is a conductor. He began piano lessons at the age of nine and won a prize in the Taiwan Provincial Piano Competition at the age of fifteen. He graduated from Mannes College of Music with distinction in 1973, majoring in string conducting and studying orchestral conducting with Carl Bamberger, Paul Berl, Richard Lert, and Herbert Blomstedt. In the same year he received the conducting award of Julius Rudel, the former director and conductor of the New York City Opera. He also won the Young Conductor Award from the North Carolina Symphony and was the only Taiwanese that year selected for the International Herbert von Karajan Conducting Competition. In 1975 he was selected to participate in the International Conducting Forum and was the only Asian in the entire group of twelve people. He received a full fellowship in 1978 to pursue doctoral studies at the City University of New York, majoring in musicology and music theory. In 1981 he transferred to Columbia University. He received his doctorate in 1983 with a dissertation titled Alexander Tcherepnin: His Influence on Modern Chinese Music. CHANG has served as a guest conductor for many distinguished orchestras and has performed in the Americas and Europe. Critics have praised his conducting as “flowy,” “controlled, definitely under control!,” “full of individualized style,” and “delicate and elegant.” CHANG currently serves as a chair professor in the department of history at FoGuang University and in the music department at Tainan University of Technology; he is also an adjunct professor in the music department at Soochow University. His publications include The Transformation of Style in Western Art Music: From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, JIANG Wen-Ye, and The Beauty of Music. His translations include和聲與聲部導進 from Harmony and Voice Leading by Edward Aldwell and Carl Schachter.
