
Traditional Music
XIE Shui-Neng

謝水能(1950生),排灣族名為Gilegilau Pavalius,排灣族雙管鼻笛藝師、製笛師、鼻笛音樂創作者。出生於屏東泰武鄉平和村,又名比悠瑪部落。致力鼻笛音樂推廣與傳習,曾受邀至臺灣各地與歐洲演出,也任教於各國小指導鼻笛,培育下一代鼻笛人才。不僅名列國立傳統藝術中心「現存鼻笛人才名錄」,也在2011年獲選為文建會指定「重要傳統藝術排灣族雙管鼻笛保存者」,即俗稱的「人間國寶」,為最重要的雙管鼻笛音樂家之一。(典藏物件資料來源:文資局)

XIE Shui-Neng (Gilegilau Pavalius) is a well-known performer and teacher of the traditional double-tube nose flute of the Paiwan aboriginal tribe, as well as a famous nose flute maker and composer of music for the nose flute. Xie was born in 1950 in Pingho Village in Pingtung County's Taiwu Township. Xie has devoted his life to promoting and disseminating the traditional double-tube nose flute. He performs throughout Taiwan and Europe. He teaches children how to play the double-tube nose flute at many elementary schools, developing the next generation of nose flute players. He is listed on the official list of double-tube nose flute performers at the National Center for Traditional Arts and was selected by the Ministry of Culture as one of the Important Traditional Art Preserver, making him a national treasure in Taiwan.

外部連結: 謝水能的鼻笛世界 (個人部落格)