
Traditional Music
YE Mei-Jing

葉美景(1905-2002),北管音樂家。出生於臺中縣潭子鄉瓦窯村。閒暇之餘在當地北管子弟館餘樂軒學習,1917年向北管藝師王錦坤學習小生、小旦唱腔,1920年登台演出。爾後擔任北管子弟先生,教過的館閣有清水同樂軒、豐原雅樂軒、臺中集和軒、大肚同樂軒、彰化成樂軒等,因其教授北管時十分嚴格,因此有「惡人仙」的稱號。 1955年移居臺北艋舺,遂停止北管教學工作,1981年在林清山的引薦下,受聘為瑞芳鎮得意堂之館先生,後陸續在板橋福安社、台北民族樂團、臺北日新國小任北管教師。葉美景所能的北管曲目,包含戲曲、牌子、絃譜及細曲,其中以戲曲的前場最為擅長,唱腔詮釋透徹,鑼鼓部分亦能示範,可說是全方位的北管館先生。1992年獲教育部頒發民族藝術薪傳獎北管項目。

YE Mei-Jing was born in Taichung in 1905. He is a beiguan master and artisan. He studied beiguan with Wang Jin-Kun at the age of 12. After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in the late 1930s, he was sent to serve as a soldier for the Japanese in China. After retiring from the army, he continued to work as a beiguan teacher. Ye moved to Taipei after turning 50, and subsisted by running a small business until he was in his 70s, which was when he started participating in beiguan activities again. He was given the nickname “demon teacher” because of his strict teaching style. Ye was awarded the Ministry of Education’s National Art Education Award for beiguan. He endured brain damage after falling down and died in 2002.
