
Research Education
CHEN Zheng-Gang

陳鄭港(1963生),民族音樂學者,臺北市立國樂團第六任團長。新竹新埔客家人,自幼隨長輩操弄八音,在傳統文化中浸潤而豐實,以流變為經緯完成首篇泰雅族音樂碩士論文、以臺灣島史觀建構國樂發展完成博士論文。歷任中華民國國樂學會秘書長、中廣國樂團二胡演奏員與中學教師;任職臺灣國樂團(原教育部實驗國樂團)專業經理人逾20年;在海內外策劃執行近2,000場演出、統籌製作影音專輯逾50張;熱心參與表演藝術與無形文化資產公共事務,揚展音樂文化成果。長期兼任中國文化大學、國立臺灣藝術大學等校教席;學術專擅音樂哲學、中國音樂史、臺灣音樂史、南島民族音樂、藝術行政與管理等範疇,精闢兼有溫情的社會觀察與藝文評論散見於各類媒體。2020年應聘泰國格樂大學國際學院(Krirk University)擔任藝術系創系主任。2021年5月接任臺北市立國樂團第六任團長,戮力推動公民社會、踐履藝文淑世之職志。

Dr. CHEN Zheng-Gang (born in 1963), an ethnomusiologist,the sixth head of the Taipei Chinese Orchestra, is a Hakka whose hometown locates in Xinpu, Hsinchu and has been playing Eight Sounds (eight kinds of instrument) with their elders since childhood, with immersed traditional culture enrichment. Dr. CHEN completed his master's thesis on Atayal music evolution, which was a pioneer in Taiwan, and completed his doctoral dissertation in researching traditional Chinese music from aspects of Taiwan’s historical views. He has served as the Secretary-general of the Chinese Music Society in Taiwan, an erhu player of the Chinese Orchestra of Broadcasting Corporation of China, a junior high school teacher, and a professional manager of the Taiwan Chinese Orchestra (formerly the Experimental Chinese Orchestra of the Ministry of Education) for more than 20 years. He has planned and implemented nearly 2,000 performances at home and abroad, produced more than 50 audio-visual albums, enthusiastically participated in public affairs of performing arts and intangible cultural assets, and promoted engagements of music culture. He has been a long-term professor at Chinese Culture University, National Taiwan University of the Arts, etc., specializing in philosophy of music, Chinese music history, Taiwan music history, Austronesian folk music, art administration and management, etc., and ever published various insightful and inspirational articles regarding social observations and art comments in diversified media. In 2020, he was enrolled as the founding director of the Department of Art, International College, Krirk University in Thailand. In May 2021, he took over as the sixth head of Taipei Chinese Orchestra, striving to elevate social enrichment of art and culture as his own responsibility.
