
Traditional Music
WANG Shih-Rong


WANG Shih-Rong, a renowned pipa musician in Taiwan, born in Pingtung County, started his pipa journey at age 10, majored in pipa and graduated from the Chinese music division of the Music Department at Chinese Culture University under Wong Cheng-Ping and Lin Gu-Fang. His pipa music is deeply influenced by modern pipa maestro Liu Dehai. Wang had dedicated himself to the The Pipa Journey of A Thousand Years project from 2007, conducted several field investigations to China, Japan and Vietnam, and transformed it into a concert series, research and teaching materials. In 1989, Wang was awarded the Chinese Literary Award for Pipa Performance, and his solo album for pipa Wang Shih- Jong’s New Pipa Vision - Seeking the Voice in the Ancient Garden, released in 2008, was awarded Best Album in the Traditional Music Category of the 2009 Golden Melody Awards. He currently teaches at the Taipei National University of the Arts, Department of Traditional Music.
