
Research Education
LIN Shun-Hsien

林順賢(1932年生),音樂教育家。出生於基隆。幼時有機會得以接觸天主教彌撒儀式,1948年入臺灣省立臺中師範學校(今國立臺中教育大學)普通科,1953年入臺灣省立師範學院(今國立臺灣師範大學),皆擔任學校管樂隊隊長。1957年師大畢業後,1958年至國立臺灣藝術專科學校(今國立臺灣藝術大學)任教,負責視唱聽寫課程,1993-1996年擔任音樂科主任,1997年專任退休;此外,他亦曾先後於文化大學、東吳大學及國立臺北藝術大學等校兼任,育才無數。林順賢並曾為中國廣播公司撰寫音樂講稿,例如「空中音樂廳」、「空中歌劇院」、「用耳朵聽的音樂史」等節目,也為耶穌會光啟社管理唱片及製作音樂節目,更於1957-2016年間於聖家堂司琴超過半世紀,虔誠之信仰與對於音樂教育的紮根工作不遺餘力。 林順賢,音樂教育家,1932年生於基隆。林順賢為臺灣省立師範學院(今國立臺灣師範大學)音樂系第六屆系友。他就讀臺中師範及師大期間,皆擔任學校管樂隊隊長,開啟音樂之路。1957年師大畢業後,林順賢至國立臺灣藝術專科學校(今國立臺灣藝術大學)專任,教授視唱聽寫課程,育才無數。林順賢並曾為中國廣播公司撰寫音樂講稿、擔任伴奏,為耶穌會光啟社管理唱片及製作音樂節目,對於音樂教育的紮根工作不遺餘力。

LIN Shun-Hsien, born in Keelung in 1932, is a music educator. He graduated from the 6th class of the music department at Taiwan Provincial Teachers' College (now known as National Taiwan Normal University; NTNU). During his study at Taichung Teachers' Junior College (now known as National Taichung University of Education; NTUE) and NTNU, he served as the head of the school wind band, taking the first step of his music career. After receiving his Bachelor's degree in 1957, he taught courses of ear training and sight singing at National Taiwan Academy of Arts (now known as National Taiwan University of the Arts). In addition, he has wrote scripts for Broadcasting Corporation of China's music programs, served as the accompanist for the BCC choir, and maintained recordings and produced music programs for Kuanhchi Cultural Group. In the course of his career, developing musicianship of the younger generations has been one of his major goals.
