
Research Education
HAN Kuo-Huang


HAN Kuo-Huang is a Musicologist. Born in Xiamen, Fujian Province and resettled with family to Taiwan in the spring of 1947. While attending the Guoyu Experimental Primary School in Taipei, he was influenced by his music teacher Liu Deyi profoundly. In 1959 he graduated from Tunghai University with a BA degree in foreign languages and literatures. Between 1959 and 1964 he was a violinist in the Taiwan Provincial Education Department Symphony Orchestra (now National Taiwan Symphony) and a music program anchorman at Fu Hsing Radio Station by using a pen name "Yu Wei". He was hired as a lecturer by the Music Department of the Taiwan Arts College (now National Taiwan Arts University) in 1962. In March 1964, he was admitted as a graduate student to the School of Music, Northwestern University in America. He received his master degree in 1966 and Ph. D. in 1974, both in music history, at Northwestern University. He was offered a position at the Department of Music, Northern Illinois University in 1971 where he established the World Music Program in 1975. In addition to western music, his specialty covers world music in general with emphasis in East and Southeast Asian area and lately, Appalachian music. He is also noted for his studies on modern Chinese music history. His publications can be found in popular as well as scholarly journals both in Chinese and English. He also has published a number of books. In 1983 he received a National Endowment for the Humanities Award (USA). Among several awards he received at Northern Illinois University, the most distinguished was the Presidential Teaching Professorship Award in 1988. In 1985 he was invited by Prof. Ma Shui-Long for one academic year as a visiting professor at the Department of Music, National Institute for the Arts (now National Taipei Arts University) for which he introduced and taught Balinese gamelan. Invited again by the same institute in 1992-1993, he introduced and taught Central Javanese gamelan. He became the director of the newly established Graduate School for Traditional Arts at the Institute in 1993-1994. After retiring from Northern Illinois University in 2003, he taught at the University of Kentucky for several years and has retired again.
