
Research Education
LIN Gu-Fang

林谷芳(1950生),音樂家、文化評論人、禪者。出生於新竹。1968年入臺灣大學人類學系。生涯前期以音樂而為人知,中期角色聚焦於文化評論與藝術學建構,後期更以禪家修行景從者眾。於音樂文化之建構,廣及於音樂美學之重建、音樂評論之寫作、音樂演出之製作、音樂作品之編纂等。年輕時,因於對生命與藝術之觀照而深入中國音樂,並以修習琵琶作為對此文化美學的直接印證,其琵琶學生更佔有後來臺灣琵琶家極大比例;之後又轉身致力於中國音樂之評論與詮釋工作。1996年完成《諦觀有情 — 中國音樂裡的人文世界》,為系統性的詮釋傳統中國音樂美學之著作,對中國音樂、茶界乃至禪門皆具一定影響。其跨界角色既及於諸多領域,又始終關聯文化建構與生命修行,為提升中國音樂之關鍵性人物。

LIN Gu-Fang is a Zen practitioner, cultural critic, and important contemporary musician in Taiwan. Born in 1950, LIN is well-known for his music from the early phase of his life. In his middle phase, he focused on cultural criticism and the construction of aesthetic theory. In the later phase, he studied Zen and drew many followers from both Taiwan and mainland China. When focusing on musical culture, he reconstructs music aesthetics, publishes music criticism, directs musical performances, and edits musical compositions. In his early phrase, his interests in art and life led him to delve into Chinese music and to research the culture and aesthetics behind pipa compositions. Many contemporary pipa performers are his pupils. He later dedicated himself to the interpretation and criticism of Chinese music. In 1996 he completed one of his most representative works, Humanity in Chinese Music, which was the first complete and systematic book on the aesthetics of Chinese music. Twenty years after it was published, the book remains a major source of cultural interpretation on both sides of the strait and is published in mainland China in the form of a classical publication. Created by LIN, the program Dialogue between Tea and Music is a series of artistic activities and performances on the same topic but presented in different formats. This program, which has continued for more than twenty years, has significantly impacted Chinese music, Teaism, and Zen. Though LIN has been active in a variety of disciplines, the basis of his work remains the construction of culture and the practice of life. This has made him an influential and significant figure in Chinese music circles on the both sides of the strait.
