曾道雄(1939生),聲樂家、歌劇導演。出生於彰化。臺灣省立臺中師範學校(今國立臺中教育大學)畢業後,1962年考入國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系,1966年隨蕭滋學習德文藝術歌曲,並舉辦個人獨唱會。1969年獲西班牙政府獎學金,入馬德里皇家音樂院,專攻聲樂及歌劇演唱。1970年,在Jan Popper與Mario Carta 的指導下,於加州大學洛杉磯分校歌劇工作坊進修。學成歸國,在國立藝術專科學校(今國立臺灣藝術大學)、國立臺灣師範大學和文化大學開設歌劇課程,並成立台北歌劇劇場,至今製作、指揮、導演歌劇逾二十餘部,為提升臺灣的歌劇發展不遺餘力。從經典的義大利、德奧歌劇,到2016年創作《鄭莊公涉泉會母》,2020年法雅《短促的一生》,曾道雄不斷挑戰新的表演可能性。因在歌劇方面的卓越成就,2011年榮獲第十五屆國家文藝獎。
TSENG Dau-Hsiong (ZENG Dao-Xiong) was born in Changhua in 1939. A well-known Taiwanese baritone, he has performed throughout Taiwan, Asia, the US and Europe. He studied with Dai Xu-Lun, F. Navarette and M. V. Avgelos, and was awarded a scholarship to study with Dr. Jan Popper and Prof. Mario Carta at the UCLA Opera Workshop. After returning to Taiwan, he taught opera at National College of the Arts, National Taiwan Normal University and Chinese Culture University, and also established the Taipei Opera Theatre. Tseng has directed more than 20 opera productions. He was awarded the National Award for Arts in 2011.