
Traditional Music
QIU Huo-Rong

邱火榮(1934生),北管音樂家。出生於臺南。自小生長在北管世家,父親為北管達人,母親為亂彈班著名小旦。邱火榮14歲開始追隨父親,參與子弟軒社活動,學會了嗩吶及武場的鑼鼓鐃鈸基本技巧,1957年與亂彈名伶潘玉嬌結婚。1970年代,歌仔戲受歡迎的程度凌駕亂彈戲之上,故他開始參加歌仔戲演出,期間指導過許多前場演員唱腔,並帶領出多位優秀後場樂師。從北管到歌仔,邱火榮幾乎無「戲」不與,顯示深厚功力。1982年參與文建會首辦「民間劇場 ─ 北管藝人聯演」,1990年與妻子共同成立亂彈嬌北管劇團。1989年榮獲教育部民族藝術薪傳獎,2017年為第二十八屆傳藝金曲獎出版類特別獎得主,2019年獲國立臺北藝術大學名譽藝術博士,是國內僅有同時活躍於北管、歌仔和布袋戲的全方位專業樂師。

QIU Huo-Rong was born in Tainan in 1934. He grew up in a family of beiguan musicians. His father, Lin Chao-Cheng, was a famous beiguan musician, and his mother, Qiu Hai-Mei, was a performer in a traditional opera luantan ensemble and also a renowned minor dan (female) role singer. At the age of 14, Qiu Huo-Rong started following in the footsteps of his father, playing in a Daoist music ensemble for boys, learning how to play suona and the percussion parts for martial arts scenes in traditional opera. He married a famous luantan singer name Pan Yu-Jiao when he was 23, and formed the Luantan Jiao Beiguan Opera Troupe with her. He was awarded the Ministry of Education’s National Arts Award. Qiu was a trailblazer for beiguan music in Taiwan.
