

Art Music
Pop Music
PENG, Jing

彭靖(1965-2023),作曲家。1982年考入國立臺灣藝術專科學校音樂科(現國立臺灣藝術大學音樂學系),曾獲第一屆臺北青年作曲比賽首獎、文建會創作徵選獎。1990年赴德國德特蒙音樂院就讀,在德國期間,作品即在德國、法國、波蘭、韓國、日本等地發表,1994年獲德國德特蒙音樂院選拔並由市長於市政廳表揚為模範生,1996年畢業於該校。返國後,受聘於臺灣絃樂團擔任駐團作曲家,先後任教於國立臺南藝術大學應用音樂學系,臺南應用科技大學流行音樂學系。1997年受聘為俄羅斯文化部所屬 Krasnoyarsk交響樂團客座作曲家。除了嚴肅音樂之創作,亦投入通俗音樂、兒童音樂之創作,專輯《山居歲月》、《夏天來了》入圍最佳流行音樂演奏專輯;以原住民傳說為內容的《VuVu的故事》,以華人的故事為背景的《年來說故事》,皆獲得金曲獎。他也跨足電影音樂配樂,是國內少數集嚴肅與通俗音樂卓然有成之作曲家。

Master PENG Jing (1965-2023), a composer, was admitted to the Department of Music, National Taiwan College of Arts (now is Department of Music, National Taiwan University of Arts) in 1982 and ever won the first prize in the First Taipei Youth Composition Competition and the Creative Selection Award given by the Council for Cultural Affairs. In 1990, he studied in Germany and entered the Hochschule für Musik Detmold, majoring in composition. During his stay in Germany, his works were published in Germany, France, Poland, South Korea, Japan, etc., receiving various global awards and recognitions. In 1994, he was praised as a model student by the Hochschule für Musik Detmold and honored by the mayor at the city hall. He graduated from the school in 1996 and received an artist diploma. As returned to Taiwan, he was employed as the composer-in-residence by the Academy of Taiwan Strings, and successively taught at the Department of Applied Music, Tainan University of the Arts and the Department of Popular Music, Tainan University of Technology. In 1997, he was invited as a guest composer for the Krasnoyarsk Symphony Orchestra affiliated to the Russian Ministry of Culture. Besides creating serious music, he has also devoted himself to creation of popular music and children's music, which were widely recognized. The albums "Years Staying in Mountains" and "Summer is Coming" were shortlisted for the best pop music performance album. In addition, "Story of VuVu," which portrays aboriginal legends as its content,” and “Stories of the Year,” which illustrates Chinese legends and stories, both won Golden Melody Awards in Taiwan. Master PENG also composed film music and was recognized as one of few composers in Taiwan that achieved remarkable outcomes in both serious and popular music.

外部連結: 好海洋藝術 (德國好海洋藝術推廣協會)