高子銘(1907-1973),國樂演奏家、作曲家、教育家,為 20 世紀國樂現代化重要 推手之一。出生於中國河北省定縣,自幼學習多樣樂器,尤其精通管樂器。1934 年自北平藝專音樂系畢業,後考入南京中央廣播電台音樂組工作,開啟長達三十 餘年的音樂生涯。1949 年,與孫培章、王沛綸、黃蘭英等中廣國樂團成員隨國民 政府遷臺並就此落地生根。高氏來臺後曾開辦國樂進修班、重組中廣國樂團,帶 領中廣國樂團等樂界人士先後前往美國、泰國、菲律賓等地出國交流,亦多次作 為政府部門重要場合之代表演奏團體。1953 年,其大力促成之中華國樂會(今中華民國國樂學會的前身)正式成立,擔任首屆理事長。高氏長期為臺灣培育國樂 人才、積極參與公私部門之音樂活動;在專業演奏、教育推廣之餘,亦有《南山玉笛》、《獨步青雲》等多首管樂獨奏曲及《現代國樂》、《國樂初階》、《新笛專輯》 等著作傳世。高氏畢生為國樂奔走、戮力奉獻,為臺灣國樂擘劃藍圖。
Master KAO Zhi-Ming (1907-1973), a Chinese music performer, composer, and educator, was one of important promoters of modern Chinese music in the 20th century. Born in Ding County, He-Bei Province, China, he learned various musical instruments since childhood, and was especially proficient in wind instruments. In 1934, he graduated from the Music Department of Beijing Art College and was admitted to work in the music section of Nanjing Zhong-Yang Radio Station, starting his music career that lasted for more than thirty years. In 1949, together with Sun Pei-Zhang, WANG Pei-Lun, HUANG Lan-Ying, and other members of the Zhong-Yang Radio Station Chinese Orchestra, Master KAO moved to Taiwan with government members and then settled down. As moved to Taiwan, Master KAO started a Chinese music training class and reorganized the Zhong-Yang Radio Station Chinese Orchestra. He often led the Orchestra and other music groups to the United States, Thailand, the Philippines, and other countries for overseas exchanges, and also performed in important official occasions. In 1953, he vigorously promoted the formal establishment of the Chinese Traditional Music Association (the predecessor of the Chinese Music Association, Taiwan, R.O.C.) and served as the first chairman. Master KAO endeavored to cultivate Chinese music talents in Taiwan and actively participated in music activities in public and private sectors. In addition to professional performance and educational promotion, he also composed many wind solos, e.g. "Nan-Shan Jade Di" and "Stepping in the Clouds," together with publications, e.g. "Modern Chinese Music," "Elementary Chinese Music," and "New Di Album." Master KAO devoted his life to Chinese music promotion, pioneering a blueprint for Chinese music development in Taiwan.