

Art Music
Research Education
CHO, Fu-Chien

卓甫見(1952-)出生於花蓮縣玉里鎮,鋼琴演奏家、教育家。畢業於國立臺灣藝術專科學校(今臺灣藝術大學)音樂科,後赴美深造,取得舊金山音樂院鋼琴演奏碩士學位。學成歸國後任職於母校臺灣藝術專科學校音樂科,曾於1989-1991 年及2010-2015擔任該校及改制後的臺灣藝術大學音樂學系之系主任,推動多項改革與政策,帶動積極學習與藝術向上的風氣,並且致力於以音樂回饋社會。個人的音樂活動相當活躍,經常受邀巡迴各地演講及演奏,並擔任國內各大小鋼琴比賽的評審或召集人。他也是較早即推介臺灣作曲家的演奏家,留學時期常在演奏會中彈奏國人作品,以鋼琴家的身分研究、出版《臺灣音樂哲人-陳泗治》、《陳泗治作品研究》等著作,尤展現了豐富的學養。2015年屆齡退休後,仍持續與小提琴家麥韻篁以「魅力二人組」的合作形式舉行音樂會,以演奏本土歌謠為主軸,活躍於樂壇。

CHO Fu-Chien (1952-) was born in Yuli Town, Hualien County, a pianist and an educator. Graduated from music department of National Taiwan Academy of Arts (now National Taiwan University of Arts) and later went to the United States for further studies, CHO Fu-Chien obtained a master's degree in piano performance from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. After returning to Taiwan, he worked in the music department of his alma mater, National Taiwan University of Arts, as the head from 1989 to 1991 and 2010 to 2015. As the dean of the department, he endeavored to elevate ethos of learning and art via diversified improvements strategies and feedback to the community with music. He is active and eager to promote music activities and is often invited to tour various places to give speeches and performances and serve as judge or convener of various domestic piano competitions. He is also an early performer who promotes and plays music works of Taiwanese composers, even when he was studying abroad, he often played works of Taiwanese composers in concerts. As a pianist, he researched and published diversified works of local composers, e.g. "Taiwanese Music Philosopher-CHEN Si-Zhi," "Research on CHEN Si-Zhi’s Works," etc., exhibiting a wealth of insightful views. After retiring in 2015, he continued to hold concerts with violinist Jerry Mai in the form of a "Charming Duo" collaboration, quite active in playing local songs in diversified music scenes.
