
Art Music
YEH, Shu-Ha

葉樹涵(1957年6月9日-),傑出小號演奏家,管樂團指揮,聯合實驗管絃樂團、國家音樂廳交響樂團小號首席(1986-2005),現任職國立臺灣師範大學音樂系教授小號。1984年以法國國立巴黎音樂學院小號演奏第一獎文憑畢業,並獲『全體裁判一致通過』的第一榮譽講評。學成歸國後,積極推展國內管樂教育,至今已有四代傳承,臺灣為數不少優秀的小號演奏家,皆出自其門下。為了提升國內管樂教育水準,拓展新視野,對管樂當代經典作品的推介不遺餘力,也多次邀請國際管樂大師來臺表演、講學,促進國際交流。他也是第一位以古典音樂家身份推出小號演奏專輯唱片者,並自組銅管五重奏,主持廣播節目,深入校園、窮鄉僻壤推廣古典樂,於臺灣管樂教育與發展有極大貢獻 。

YEH Shu-Han (born on June 9, 1957) is an outstanding trumpeter and a conductor of wind ensembles. He has held the positions of principal trumpet of the United Symphony Orchestra (the predecessor of today’s National Symphony Orchestra) and the National Symphony Orchestra (1986-2005) and currently teaches trumpet in the Department of Music of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). In 1984, he graduated from the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris and received a First Prize diploma (“Premier Prix”) in trumpet with the honorary mention of “à l’unanimité du jury”. He returned to Taiwan and actively promoted wind music education, giving rise to four generations of disciples, including numerous outstanding domestic trumpeters under his guidance. To upgrade wind music education in Taiwan and expand new horizons, he devotes himself to promoting representative modern works of wind music. Moreover, he promotes international exchanges by inviting numerous international wind music masters to perform and lecture in Taiwan. He is also the first classical musician to release a trumpet album, in addition to leading his own brass quintet, hosting radio programs, and promoting classical music in schools and remote rural areas, greatly contributing to the education and development of wind music in Taiwan.
