顏綠芬(1954生),音樂學家、音樂教育家。出生於彰化縣彰化市。小學三年級開始習琴,後以聯考榜首考入彰化女中初中部。1973年入東吳大學音樂學系,大四期間曾參與民歌採集的後續採譜工作,種下修習民族音樂學的種子。1988年取得柏林自由大學音樂學博士學位,1990年起任教於國立藝術學院(今國立臺北藝術大學)音樂學系至2020年退休。她以學術的研究能量介紹臺灣當代作曲家,特別是郭芝苑、蕭泰然、馬水龍及賴德和等,並出版論文如〈蕭泰然音樂創作的風格與特色〉(2003)與專書如《台灣的真情樂章 — 郭芝苑》(2008)等,跨越音樂學術殿堂,實踐理想於臺灣公眾事務,長期投入文化、歷史與教育等議題。曾獲教育部優秀教育人員獎,亦曾擔任評審如國家文藝獎、金曲獎、金鼎獎,及任國藝會董事等。
Yen Lu-fen, born in 1954 in Zhanghua, is a musicologist and music educator with a long-term dedication to research on Taiwanese music. Yen studied at Technische Universität Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin, from which she got PhD in Musicology in 1988. She came back to Taiwan to teach at Department of Music, National Taipei University of Arts, and has become popular with a big audience by introducing classical music and Taiwanese music with her articles and speeches. She cares for the needs of the society and frequently comments on current affairs in newspapers and magazines.