
Art Music
LÜ Shao-Chia

呂紹嘉(1960生),指揮家。出生於新竹縣竹東鎮。六歲起學習鋼琴,曾獲得全國賽第三名,高中時期擔任合唱團伴奏並開始接觸到大型古典音樂會。就讀國立臺灣大學心理系時,由陳秋盛發現其指揮潛力而開啟其指揮之路。1987年以指揮主修考入維也納國立音樂院,在多項國際指揮大賽中獲得首獎而嶄露頭角。2004年獲頒象徵德國萊茵蘭 — 普法爾茨邦文化最高榮譽的「彼得‧科內利烏斯獎章」。呂紹嘉與歐洲、亞洲各大交響樂團皆有密切合作,1995年至1998年出任德國柏林喜歌劇院首席指揮、1998年至2001年任德國柯布倫茲市市立劇院音樂總監、1998年至2004年任柯布倫茲市萊茵愛樂交響樂團音樂總監、2001年至2006年任德國漢諾威國家歌劇院音樂總監、2010年至2020年返臺任國家交響樂團音樂總監,為臺灣國際級的指揮家之一。

LÜ Shao-Chia, born in Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County in 1920, is a conductor. He graduated from National Taiwan University and the Vienna Conservatory (now known as University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna; Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien). From 1995–1998 he served as the principal conductor for Comical Opera Berlin (Komische Oper Berlin). From 1998–2001 he served as the music director for Rhein State Philharmonic Orchestra (Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonia) in Koblenz, Germany. From 2001–2006 he was the music director of the Hannover State Opera (Staatsoper Hannover). In 2010 he returned to Taiwan and has since served as the music director of the National Symphony Orchestra, also known as Taiwan Philharmonic. Since 2014 he has also been the principal conductor for the South Denmark Philharmonic (Sønderjyllands Symfoniorkester). LÜ was bestowed the Peter Cornelius Plakette by the Cultural Minister of Rheinland in 2004.
